DF001 Reviews


Piccadilly Records



Troubleman Unlimited

VARIOUS ARTISTS "Difficult Fun" 7" compilation (Difficult Fun)
Whoa, best label in the UK, if not USA currently. Where did this come from? Mike Goodstein turned me on to this label and I have been obsessed ever since. Bringing back the glory days of the mid 90's when labels like Soul Static Sound (pre-techno of course) were the shit. The bands on this label are showcasing the cream of the crop of the current UK DIY Underground. Everything about this comp is absolutely vital. The packaging is wonderful with handmade artwork with each record, and the bands are totally AMAZING, and they all even have cool names! Bands are: Philosophy Queen, Antifamily, Heliogabalus , and Asja Auf Capri. 500 pressed. We have the last remaining copies. IMPORT.




Norman Records Updates December 2004. See original here

Another rather spiffing DIY imprint is Difficult Fun who have chucked a sampler 7" our way containing four wildly eclectic tunes from Philosophy Queen (brittle uber lo-fi scratchiness with what sounds like a riot grrrl on her last legs deciding warped folk, sea shanties & Nico are her only options left), The more fidelity conscious Antifamily (New wave mental breakdown with some chaotic & charming results!), Heliogabalus (avant garde lo-fi plinking & clanking) & the biggest treat of all is Asja Auf Capri, a 2 piece who are so good we have a CD album, 'Novi Ronde' in by them too.......